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D U R A T I O N:  6 0 M I N S
P R I C E:  $1 2 7 (A U D)

Adriana does her readings through names and photos only. She doesn't use card spreads like other clairvoyants. Her readings provide what you NEED to know not necessarily what you WANT to know. She can provide clarification on a particular person or situation however, her readings mainly provide guidance on where you are currently in your life and what blockages are preventing you from moving forward. Readings are inclusive of medium ship so if you're wanting to connect to  a passed loved one please specify upon booking.



P R I C E (A U D):   $ 1 2 0


Please note that if you book in a Reiki cleanse and don't add a written description, you will not be provided with any specific information or feedback in regards to your cleanse. If you would like to know the messages received from Spirit during your session with Adriana, you will have to purchase a description for this information. If you would like to learn more about what's expected during a session, please revert to FAQ.


A written description includes:

  • A personalized description of your over all cleanse consisted of 24 pages

  • Any visions seen through out your cleanse including your Spirit animals, their meanings and any potential messages they have for you

  • What chakras were imbalanced or blocked and why

  • A brief description about chakras and their meanings

  • Healing meditations for each individual chakra to aid in maintaining their balance

  • Side effects and benefits you may experience from your cleanse

  • The mental, physical, emotional and spiritual signs of balanced and imbalanced chakras

  • Protection methods to protect your energy

  • Recommended aromatherapy, crystals, foods, herbs & spices for each individual chakra

  • What specific body parts are related to each chakra

D U R A T I O N:  3 0 - 6 0 MINS
P R I C E: $1 5 7 (A U D)
  • x3 sessions  =  $ 456 (AUD)
    (over a 3 month period)

  • x6 sessions =  $ 917 (AUD)
    (over a 6 month period)

  • x9 sessions =  $ 1,363 (AUD)
    (over a 9 month period)

  • x12 sessions = $1,677(AUD)
    (over a 1 year period)

Signs you need a Reiki healing

  • you feel anxious, stressed and under pressure

  • you lack mental and emotional peace and clarity

  • you suffer from anxiety or depression

  • you're experiencing triggers from unresolved traumas from your past

  • you're feeling negative emotions and may not necessarily know why

  • you have a more negative mindset than usual

  • you feel emotionally blocked and numb

  • you're feeling "stuck" in your life

  • you're struggling to cope from a break up or the  loss of a loved one

  • you're experiencing physical pain in your body

  • you feel drained, exhausted or run down



Please revert to my main page or click on the link below for more info
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